Welcome to join the pre-conference workshop, hosted by Dr Matin Nabavi Niaki , Road Safety & Design Project Manager, Austroads and Emeritus Professor Michael Regan, Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. University of NSW Sydney, October 22, 10:00-11:30AM!
Driver distraction remains a persistent road safety challenge worldwide, stemming from the complex interplay of various elements within the road transport system: vehicle design, user behaviour, environmental factors, road infrastructure, social dynamics, and psychological and cognitive aspects. Consequently, addressing this issue requires collaboration among stakeholders from diverse fields, including road safety authorities, automotive engineering, urban planning, transport engineering, public health, policymaking, enforcement, human-computer interaction, cognitive science, and human factors expertise.
Traditionally viewed as solely a behavioural issue, driver distraction demands a broader systems perspective. While initiatives aimed at user behaviour, such as awareness campaigns and law enforcement on mobile phone use, have been implemented, they cannot fully mitigate the complex nature of distraction, as it is targeted towards only one aspect: the user.
The objective of this workshop is to introduce a systems perspective on the issue of driver distraction: one that recognises the complex interplay of factors that create distraction, the key stakeholders involved in managing it as a road safety issue, and the range of countermeasure options available to responsible stakeholders in the system.
Through interactive surveys and discussions, participants, from government, academics, and industry, will work towards recognizing and addressing the systemic nature of driver distraction within the road traffic system. The workshop is therefore targeted at all stakeholders who have a role and interest in driver distraction.