keynote speakers


Professor John D Lee

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

We are delighted to announce that Professor John D Lee has accepted our invitation to be a keynote speaker at the event. Hailing from the esteemed Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Professor Lee will undoubtedly enrich the conference with his expertise aligned with the event’s theme. Attendees can anticipate gaining valuable insights and perspectives on industrial and systems engineering from Professor Lee, making this a not-to-be-missed opportunity for all participants.

Title: Driver distraction in the age of increasingly automated vehicles

Over the last 50 years, driver distraction has remained a persistent practical and conceptual problem. Despite substantial and sustained research, education, and enforcement efforts distraction is a greater driving safety threat than it was 20 years ago. Why is driver distraction so difficult? This talk addresses this question by framing distraction as a joint property of the driver, road situation, and vehicle technology. This framing helps explain the conceptual challenge–distraction is not a cognitive process or internal state of the driver. This framing also highlights additional challenges as vehicle technology changes what it means to drive. To an increasing degree, distraction depends on drivers’ trust in vehicle automation and awareness of its dynamically varying capability. This framing helps explain why distraction is so difficult for drivers, researchers, and designers. It also offers directions for grappling distraction over the next 50 years.

John D. Lee is the Emerson Electric Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He investigates technology-mediated attention, which includes driver distraction and human-automation interaction, particularly trust in automation. His work also involves assessing novel interface and interaction methods to enhance trust calibration, as well as novel statistical approaches to assess trust and driver state estimation. He helped to edit the Handbook of Cognitive Engineering, the APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration, and is also a co-author of a popular textbook: Designing for People: An introduction to human factors engineering. This research has been funded by NSF, ONR, NHTSA, NASA, Nissan, Honda, Toyota, and GM.

keynote speaker

Professor Natasha Merat

Human factors and Transport Systems, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds

Professor Merat is an experimental psychologist, leads the Human Factors and Safety Group, @ITS Leeds and is Director of Virtuocity@Leeds. Her main research interests are in understanding the interaction of road users with new technologies, including how driver distraction/inattention and impairment affect performance. She is an expert in understanding the human factors implications of highly automated vehicles (HAVs), and has conducted research on both drivers’ and pedestrians’ interactions with HAVs. She has been PI to key projects in this area, including AdaptIVe , CityMobil2, InterACT, HumanDrive, L3PILOT and currently leads the User sub-project of the €60M HiDrive project. Professor Merat is Chair of the Transportation Research Board sub-committee on Human Factors in Road Vehicle Automation; and European Chair of the trilateral (EU-US-Japan) Working Group on Human Factors of Automated Vehicles. She has been an advisor to over 15 governmental and industry organisations and has published over 250 peer reviewed articles, collaborating with over 100 industrial and research partners. She is currently leading an ISO Task Force on design guidelines for future Driver Monitoring Systems, and was recently awarded an International Excellence Fellowship by KIT, Germany.

You can read more about Prof Merat and her research here.

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